For two decades, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork has explored the intersections of sound, installation, performance, and sculpture, crafting a practice that reimagines sonic materiality. Her work frequently draws attention to the ways that the built environment shapes the experience of sound and awareness. Sometimes, she does this by deploying architectures of her own, utilizing vinyl sheeting, acoustic foam, felted blankets, and other kinds of sonically functional materials in structures that maximize particular sonic effects. Other times, these concepts are embedded within materially significant sculptures that warp the experience of sound in their vicinity. Kiyomi Gork’s early background in dance, choreography and experimental music continues to inform her work, in which the discrete roles of performer, audience, and stage fluidly blur and collapse. Feedback systems, the history of sound art and synthesized audio, deep listening and music composition—Kiyomi Gork draws these elements together into an expansive multimodal practice.

Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork (b. 1982, Long Beach, California) earned a BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute and an MFA from Stanford University. She has presented solo exhibitions at the Harvard Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Cambridge; Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; François Ghebaly, New York; Empty Gallery, Hong Kong; 356 Mission Rd, Los Angeles; and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, among many others, and her recent group exhibitions include the Hammer Museum’s Made in L.A., Los Angeles; SculptureCenter, New York; SFMoMA, San Francisco; the Berkeley Art Museum; and VAC Foundation, Moscow. She is the recipient of awards from the VIA Art Foundation and the Joan Mitchell Foundation. Her works can be found in the permanent collections of the Walker Art Center; Hammer Museum; SFMoMA; K11 Foundation, Hong Kong; and Berkeley Museum of Art. They live and work in Los Angeles.
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