Rindon Johnson’s multifaceted practice explores the complexities of identity and the human experience. He works in numerous modes, from virtual reality and sculpture to poetry and art criticism. His work often delves into themes of belonging, otherness, and the ways language can shape our perception of reality. Johnson’s materials are carefully considered, building on the notion of the by-product and calling upon histories of colonial exploitation and slavery. Using dynamic processes like aging, staining, and exposure to the elements, he encodes time and place as both materials and collaborators. A writer who embraces the ultimate failures of language to convey the depths of emotion and experience, Johnson explores these limits in works that trade in eloquence and opacity in equal measure. With a candid, sharp-edged humor, Johnson’s practice balances playful experimentation with a stark examination of intimacy, violence, and historical legacy.

Rindon Johnson was born in 1990 in San Francisco on the unceded territories of the Ohlone and Coast Miwok people. He has exhibited internationally, including his inclusion in the 2024 Venice Biennale. His solo exhibitions include SculptureCenter, New York; Chisenhale Gallery, London; Albertinum, Dresden; and the Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf. He was included in the Whitney Biennial 2022 and was nominated for the Future Generations Art Prize in 2021. Other institutional group shows include New Museum, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Hammer Museum, Brooklyn Museum, Freiburg Kunstverein, and the Studio Museum in Harlem. He was awarded the Ernst Rietschel Art Prize for Sculpture in 2022. His work is held in the permanent collections of the Studio Museum in Harlem, the Rennie Museum, MUDAM Luxembourg, and the Whitney Museum of American Art among others. An upcoming solo exhibition at the Rockbund Art Museum in Fall 2024 will be his first institutional showing in Asia.

Johnson is the author of several books of essays and poetry, including Ever Given (François Ghebaly & Inpatient Press, 2023); The Law of Large Numbers: Black Sonic Abyss (SculptureCenter/Chisenhale Gallery, 2021); Shade the King (Capricious Press, 2017); No One Sleeps Better Than White People (Inpatient Press, 2016); and the virtual reality book Meet in the Corner (Publishing-House.Me, 2017).
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